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Danny Dekruif: Ida Martin Day April 4, 2023 | Bluffton Self Help

For more than a decade, on April 4th, the Town of Bluffton has celebrated Ida Martin Day, a day named after our late founder, Mrs. Ida Martin. In 1986, Bluffton’s Ida Martin opened a nearly empty refrigerator in the home of a single mother with five children and immediately filled it and that’s how her dream for a better future for her community began. 37 years later, the need remains in our community. Now more than ever, we need more neighbors helping neighbors. In honor of Mrs. Ida Martin Day, please consider making a monthly donation of $37, so no neighbor must open an empty fridge this coming year.

Ida Martin Day - April 4th, named after BSH's founder by Mayor Sulka.
BSH was started 37 years ago when Mrs. Ida filled her neighbor's refrigerator with groceries.
Grocery prices are skyrocketing and cost of living is increasing.
Families are utilizing The Market 10% more since the beginning of the year.
Pre-pandemic SNAP benefits have now expired as of January 31st, families lost $100-$250 a month in their grocery budget.

Danielle Dekruif, Marketing & Communications Manager
Bluffton Self Help
39 Sheridan Park Circle, Bluffton, SC 29910

WHHI Daily News Anchor: Betsy McDaniel

March 2023

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